Yaya Luo, who is one of our administrators in China, often visits her home county, Dewo in Guizhou Province. She belongs to the Buyi people, which is one of the minorities in Guizhou Province, the poorest province in China. The principal of the village school, Dewo Fumin Primary School, requested that Blessing Hands give them library books and musical instruments. They had a new school but only a few shelves of library books. Yaya was delighted to help this school get new books and musical instruments from Blessing Hands.
The Dashuijing Primary School recently received two shelves of new library books from a Blessing Hands donor. The books are beautifully illustrated and the words are in Chinese. We once gave only donated used English books. One little boy asked Betty Cutts, our founder, why all the books we gave them were English. He was hoping for some Chinese books! We have kept his request in mind and have purchased books to donate in both languages. Blessing Hands is delighted to give brand new books to schools with the help of our kind donors. We hope to share more books and knowledge with our sponsored children in the future!
The McBrayer Elementary School in Morehead, KY gave $350 for library books to Putao Primary School. Putao school bought lots of Chinese library books. Putao has sent McBrayer Elementary children's drawings, music CDs and shadow puppets. McBrayer School has proudly framed them for their library walls. |
Two donors gave $300 for library books to Jinbao Primary School in Yangshuo County in Guilin, a city in the Guangxi Province in China. The school was thrilled to get new books in Chinese. Their library, which was started from a donation from Blessing Handsmany years ago, contained only old worn-out books with many of them in English only. They now have nonfiction , science, and literature books!