The children in the Chin State of Myanmar need school books and supplies. Many of them have gone home to their home villages from the city because of the unrest in the country. The usual teachers are on strike, and covid has closed the schools anyway. Most of the students have not been in school for two years. Some villages are using volunteers with high school certificates to teach the kids, but they need books.
Blessing Hand has plans to distribute books to these remote villages and give them a chance to not lose their prime years for learning. They also need school supplies since the government schools are locked and not available. They are meeting for classes in their little bamboo houses and sometimes under trees.
Blessing Hands helps people help themselves and others. We give educational assistance to students in China, Thailand, Myanmar, and the Philippines. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. All donated gifts will go directly to the children's school needs with no administrative costs taken out of your donation for this project by Blessing Hands.